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Summer 2022 Product Samples

It's been awhile since I've talked about some of the products I've been able to sample for work. Since my last post I've received more samples than I could even count, but here are a few that I've loved so much that it would be impossible to forget about.

Legally Addictive Cookies

If you know me in real life, you know that I love sweets and desserts. There's something about treating myself to a delicious little snack that can make even the worst of days manageable. Obviously when Legally Addictive reached out and told me they had cookie samples I was going to say yes.

Not only did I love the fact that I was going to get delicious (free) snacks, but it also made me realize I hadn't written food-related articles in awhile. One of my favorite parts of product samples is that they give me new ideas for articles that I may not have thought about before.

Legally Addictive sent me four bags of their cookies: Original, Everything, Churro and Surprise Party. What makes these cookies so amazing is that they are a cookie/cracker combo, on the downside it makes it incredibly easy to eat a bag in one sitting, not that I would know from personal experience.

If you're looking for a new sweet treat that you can't find anywhere else, I highly recommend trying these out. You can shop the variety pack here.

ECOVACS Robot Vacuum

This ECOVACS robot vacuum is by far one of the product samples that I use and love the most. My apartment is relatively small so it doesn't get super messy, but I do have a cat who has somehow found a way to track litter all throughout my space.

It's so convenient to just press a button on my phone and have the vacuum clean up while I work, shower, clean other things or scroll through the internet. I also love that I can see where the vacuum has gone on my app so that I can place it in certain areas it might have missed.

Another feature of this vacuum that I haven't used yet is the mop attachment. I mean seriously, a robot that vacuums and mops? Modern day cleaning can't get better than this. Since I do have some rugs around my apartment, it's great that the app lets you create virtual barriers so that it won't mop when it gets to certain places in your home.

If you want to save time and watch a robot do your work, join the ECOVACS movement here.

Vitamix Blender

Smoothies are very important to me, like very important. But cheap blenders aren't good and good blenders aren't something I would throw money at when I can drive down the road and get a pre-made smoothie at a fraction of the cost and the work. When I got my recent PitchBox Media shipment I could've cried when I saw a high-quality blender in the box.

I'll be honest, this blender isn't cheap, so if you're not one to spend a lot on your kitchen appliances this probably won't stand out to you. I'm so excited to have the ability to whip up a smoothie whenever I want and start diving into new recipes.

You can buy the Vitamix blender here.

DrySee Bandages

When I got the email about sampling DrySee bandages I almost looked over it. After all, I'm not a tattoo artist so what am I going to do with tattoo covers? Looking back, I'm super glad that I accepted the offer because I turned around and bought a stick and poke tattoo kit and won't have a professional to bandage me up afterward.

They sent me two bandages in a 2x2 and 4x4 size, the smaller size will be great for any at-home tattoo creations I decide to make and I'm sure the larger size will come in handy eventually. There have been multiple times when my bandages from the tattoo shop have withered away before they were ready to come off so it'll be reassuring to have some on hand.

These DrySee bandages are available here.

BetterMe Workout Set

Buying new clothes is a huge problem for me. I just brought over a large box of clothes I don't wear for my sister and nieces to go through and still had a full dresser and each one of my hangers are occupied. In my world, there is no such thing as too many clothes, as long as I like and use them all. BetterMe sent me a code for a free workout set in the fitness box from PitchBox Media and you know I had to go online and select mine immediately.

I chose a light-pink set that included a pair of leggings and a long sleeve crop top. The set is insanely soft and flexible, I've worn it to multiple yoga classes and on a hike with no issues.

You can buy your own BetterMe workout gear here.

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